Saturday, August 7, 2010

India is independent, not Indians!

When we celebrate Independence Day, we should ask a question to ourselves. Our (geographical) country might be independent, Are we really independent?

Real independence is being free from situations, problems, and bondages. It means to think freely and take right decisions independently. Independence Day reminds the bravery of the freedom fighters and sacrifice of the revolutionaries. We are not connected with the freedom struggle, so we don’t feel that it is significant. We are forgetting our originality

We just celebrate the day by hoisting the flags, distributing sweets beating drums and enjoying the holiday.

In a conversation with an old and experienced person (who was a retired police inspector) in Harayana I got some shocking information. His age was 83 and he was actively participated in freedom movement. He said we are not independent till today. At the individual level we don’t have freedom, we are not aware about our rights; we are ruled by our politicians. We can’t think, we just give votes and selects the politician. Most of the people give votes because of the pressure and most educated runs away from it. He added that, on 15th Aug 1947 nothing happened, just white British went and black came. He said that, as compare to our politician British were good. They were not corrupt; they were disciplined, punctual and educated. Our current politicians are not having these basic qualities also. As per his opinion we need another revolution for political freedom.

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